Poseidon MKVI 
Technical features: 
Compared to Open Circuit, rebreathers have 2 big advantages: Triple actual dive time, Far less disturbing to marine life 
Poseidon’s recreational unit has 4 big additional advantages: Safer and easier to use, Lighter and smaller, No decompression stops, Warm breathing gas 
Poseidon MKVI 
World’s first recreational rebreather 
The Poseidon MKVI is the world’s first rebreather for recreational divers. It’s a fully­closed, fully ­automated unit that will make you see diving in a different light. 
The system comprises a breathing loop (mouthpiece, hoses, counter lungs and backpack) with associated electronics module, and two independent gas cylinders. One contains 100% compressed oxygen which is added to the breathing loop as the diver consumes it. The second cylinder typically contains compressed air “diluent” to compensate for compression in the breathing loop as the diver goes deeper. It’s also a back­up system, containing enough oxygen for the diver to breathe directly in an emergency. 
Poseidon’s MKVI has 5 big advantages over traditional open circuit equipment: 3 hours typical dive time, Safer and easier to use, Lighter and smaller, No decompressions stops and Silent operation makes you part of the environment; not just a visitor. 
The MKVI, the first true technological breakthrough in decades, is a game­changer